4️⃣How to use the Community

A Free Personalized Affirmation App - Built for you

0️⃣ Select Community icon

Avra Categories is made up of six specific categories, each with its own collections and positive affirmations.

Featured Collections showcases official content creators and their collections. Users may add featured affirmations to their own collections.

2️⃣ Explore Avra Categories

Tap Category (Well-Being) ➡ Discover 5 Collections ➡ Tap Collection (Mental Health) ➡ Tap Affirmation to Add to your Collection ➡ Adjust your settings ➡ Save

3️⃣ Search Function

Search keyword (wealth) ➡ Search engine will find users & collections ➡ 1 Wealth Collection Found ➡ Tap Collection ➡ Tap Affirmation to Add to your Collection ➡ Adjust your settings ➡ Save

Last updated