1️⃣How to Create an Account

A Free Personalized Affirmation App - Built for you

0️⃣ Open the App

1️⃣ Tap Register

2️⃣ Sign up with Apple ID or Email

Sign in with your Apple ID or enter your email to create a new account.

Your Apple ID will prompt you to log in without requiring a password.

3️⃣ (Email Registration*) Type your Password

If you proceed to enter your email, enter a password. Your password must include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 special character and be a total of 8 characters.

4️⃣ Create Username

5️⃣ (Email Registration*) Verify

Enter the code you received in your email to verify your account registration.

6️⃣ Enable Notifications

Please ensure you allow notifications or Avra wont be able to send you your affirmations!

If you have any questions, message me at avra.inquiry@gmail.com 👋

Last updated